WCW - NZs Tertiary Education Portal

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WCW - NZs Tertiary Education Portal
TEd - NZs Tertiary Education Portal.
National Qualification Completion Stats by Subject Area
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View Results for Year
National Demographic % Compositions of Students Completing Qualifications for 2020
 Group % Numbers
  % Male 38%53684
  % Female 61%85991
  % NZ European/Pakeha 52%73064
  % NZ Maori 23%32709
  % Pasifika 10%13774
  % Asian 29%40268
  % Other 6%8411
  % = <17 2%2283
  % = 17 3%3723
  % = 18 4%5744
  % = 19 4%5568
  % = 20 6%8486
  % = 21 8%10573
  % = 22 8%10568
  % = 23 7%9107
  % = 24 5%6991
  % = 25-39 34%47131
  % = 40+ 21%29663
  % International       Students 18%25382
  % Undergraduate 84%117601
  % Postgraduate 16%22236
National Demographic % Compositions of Students Completing Agriculture, Environmental and Related Studies Qualifications for 2020
 Group % Numbers
  % Male 53%2258
  % Female 47%1982
  % NZ European/Pakeha 63%2676
  % NZ Maori 33%1388
  % Pasifika 5%213
  % Asian 13%533
  % Other 5%193
  % = <17 2%97
  % = 17 4%189
  % = 18 6%247
  % = 19 5%220
  % = 20 4%162
  % = 21 5%211
  % = 22 5%200
  % = 23 4%176
  % = 24 4%165
  % = 25-39 32%1351
  % = 40+ 29%1224
  % International       Students 11%451
  % Undergraduate 95%4040
  % Postgraduate 5%202
Title Natural and Physical Sciences
7243 (5.18%) Information Technology
4580 (3.28%) Engineering and Related Technologies
8339 (5.96%) Architecture and Building
4854 (3.47%) Agriculture, Environmental and Related  Studies
4242 (3.03%) Health
13905 (9.94%) Education
6832 (4.89%) Management and Commerce
26830 (19.19%) Society and Culture
36694 (26.24%) Creative Arts
7412 (5.3%) Food, Hospitality and Personal Services
6592 (4.71%) Mixed Field Programmes
12314 (8.81%) Grid