WCW - NZs Tertiary Education Portal

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WCW - NZs Tertiary Education Portal
TEd - NZs Tertiary Education Portal.
National Qualification Completion Stats by Subject Area
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View Results for Year
National Demographic % Compositions of Students Completing Qualifications for 2022
 Group % Numbers
  % Male 38%5305
  % Female 61%8476
  % NZ European/Pakeha 56%7736
  % NZ Maori 19%2572
  % Pasifika 12%1677
  % Asian 32%4375
  % Other 4%539
  % = <17 1%108
  % = 17 1%177
  % = 18 2%244
  % = 19 3%429
  % = 20 3%405
  % = 21 6%853
  % = 22 8%1069
  % = 23 8%1121
  % = 24 6%882
  % = 25-39 39%5385
  % = 40+ 23%3150
  % International       Students 19%2558
  % Undergraduate 77%10609
  % Postgraduate 23%3214
National Demographic % Compositions of Students Completing Food, Hospitality and Personal Services Qualifications for 2022
 Group % Numbers
  % Male 29%154
  % Female 71%381
  % NZ European/Pakeha 46%250
  % NZ Maori 30%159
  % Pasifika 15%80
  % Asian 22%116
  % Other 2%11
  % = <17 2%11
  % = 17 8%42
  % = 18 9%50
  % = 19 12%67
  % = 20 9%47
  % = 21 7%35
  % = 22 7%37
  % = 23 4%23
  % = 24 4%19
  % = 25-39 30%160
  % = 40+ 9%47
  % International       Students 16%88
  % Undergraduate 100%538
  % Postgraduate 0%0
Title Natural and Physical Sciences
759 (5.49%) Information Technology
362 (2.62%) Engineering and Related Technologies
792 (5.73%) Architecture and Building
439 (3.18%) Agriculture, Environmental and Related  Studies
575 (4.16%) Health
1194 (8.64%) Education
740 (5.35%) Management and Commerce
3196 (23.12%) Society and Culture
3713 (26.86%) Creative Arts
432 (3.13%) Food, Hospitality and Personal Services
538 (3.89%) Mixed Field Programmes
1083 (7.83%) Grid